Named constructors as multiple constructors alternative
Unlike other programming languages, PHP does not allow for multiple constructors in a class. However, defining multiple constructors can be beneficial in various scenarios, such as creating an object from different data types. If this functionality is not available in PHP, named constructors can be used as an alternative solution.
Test your Docker images
Do you build Docker images regularly? You certainly know that just because your image was built without errors, it doesn’t mean it works as you expect. Building a Docker image, like any code, must be verified and validated. As your code, you can write tests that will check your images.
Join me on Maston and Bluesky
I’ve been sharing technology and programming articles on X (Twitter) for several years. Unfortunately, the Twitter ecosystem has been deteriorating, and more and more people migrate to alternatives. That’s why, all my social publications are now also available on Mastodon and Bluesky.
Backing up your MySQL database without disturbing your production
In most cases, to back up a MySQL database, the mysqldump command is used (it’s the official utility provided by the database). But did you know that the command is risky and can disturb your production?
How to use PHPUnit 10 with Symfony
PHPUnit has been release 8 months ago (the 3rd of February 2023). But if we try to use it in a Symfony project using the symfony/phpunit-bridge component, a PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "PHPUnit\TextUI\Command occurred.
The meeting pertinence
This is not new, I’ve been hearing it for several years, everybody wants to limit meetings. One of the latest examples is Shopify, which is considering eliminating all recurring meetings with more than two people.
About the code coverage
When starting to write unit tests in a project and we want to have some test metric, we usually start with the code coverage. This indicator is very used, but it’s also very criticized.
Travel in your PHP memory with PHP Meminfo
Do you really know how your PHP project consumes the memory ? If the answer is no, you should consider using PHP Meminfo.
Manage Composer dependencies in your monorepository project
Having a monorepository project means to get all applications and components at the same place. This post isn’t about the avantages or drawbacks of this project management strategy, a lot of developer blogged about the advantages or drawbacks. This post is about how to manage your Composer dependencies in the specific case of monorepository based project.
RSS is dead, long life to JSONFeed
You may not know about it, but it want to replace the RSS format. The first version of new syndication format called JSONFeed was released on May 17, 2017.
How to use Chrome Headless with Behat
Headless Chrome is shipping in Chrome 59 (currently in beta), it seems that we can use the browser without UI. It is very interesting for testing and automated purpose. In this post, we are going to configure Behat (a PHP framework for autotesting your business expectations) to use Chrome in headless mode.
How to use a Select2 input with Behat
If you are a PHP developer, you might know Behat, the most popuplar Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework for PHP. Personnaly, I frequently annoyed when I have to write scenario with an UI which is using Select2, because it’s not possilbe to manipulate the field natively with Behat and the Mink extension.